Standard Affiliate Member Benefits

Thank you for being an affiliate member of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network!

As an Standard member, you have access to numerous benefits. See below for a description the benefits and information about how you can utilize them. If you would like to increase the level of engagement you have with the nonprofit community, consider the Advantage or Premium levels.

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions or comments.

MNN-logo bullet Profile in MNN’s popular Business Directory

MNN’s Business Directory is where nonprofits go to find services and products. If you ever want to update your profile email

MNN-logo bullet Listing in MNN’s Newsletters

As a member, you will be listed in MNN’s electronic newsletters when you join and and when you renew your membership. SectorNews and MemberNews reach more than 7,000 nonprofit and business leaders.

MNN-logo bullet Promote your events

You have the option to promote your company’s trainings or networking events that are appropriate to nonprofits in MNN’s newsletter and on our website. Email with event details and a link for registration.

MNN-logo bullet Post an unlimited number of jobs in MNN’s Career Center

MNN’s wildly popular online Career Center attracts hundreds of unique visitors each day. Click here to post job opportunities at your company. (Note: Please do not attempt to sign-in.)

MNN-logo bullet Attend or sponsor MNN events

As a member of MNN, you have the ability to attend and sponsor events not open to other for-profit businesses. This is a great way to meet nonprofit leaders and learn more about the sector. You can learn more about upcoming events and/ or view sponsorship opportunities.

MNN-logo bullet MNN Affiliate Member badge

Affiliate-badge-200Post the MNN member badge on your website and print materials to show everyone that you are playing a major role in strengthening and supporting the nonprofit sector and communities across the Commonwealth.

Color Web Version (Low Res)

Color Print Version (High Res)

Black & White Print Version (High Res)

Note: You may need to open the link to the badge in another tab and then right click the image to download. If you are having trouble downloading the badge contact