Commonwealth Insights

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MNN’s Commonwealth Insights publications highlight policy, issues, and trends important to the nonprofit sector. In each edition, we’ll feature data and stories that illustrate the full depth and breadth of the nonprofit sector in Massachusetts.

2020 Edition


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The COVID-19 Pandemic: Nonprofit Policies and Impacts to Boost Resiliency

Every day, in every community across the Commonwealth, nonprofits support individuals, strengthen their communities, and generate economic activity with widespread benefits. In times of crisis, nonprofits go above and beyond their mission areas to serve as first responders.

The work of nonprofits is critically important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has created a daunting, unprecedented public health and economic crisis across Massachusetts. It has exacerbated racial and economic inequality, and presented a host of new challenges for the people served by nonprofits.

This edition of Commonwealth Insights will delve into the pandemic’s impact on the nonprofit sector, highlight subsection and geographical variances, and discuss policy responses needed to both support the sector and advance the well-being of the millions of Massachusetts residents it serves.

The key points are:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immediate impact on nonprofit operations, services, and jobs. Nonprofits report an estimated revenue loss of $8.6 billion, and more than half have made reductions in their workforce.
  • While there are common sector-wide impacts, there are disparities across subsections and geographic locations that should inform immediate and long-term recovery and relief efforts.
  • Policy responses should include financial relief, unemployment insurance forgiveness, and expanded charitable giving incentives to sustain the programmatic services and economic activity that nonprofits will generate to help rebuild communities across Massachusetts.

Click here to view 2019 editions.

Click here to view 2018 editions.

Click here to view 2017 editions.

Click here to view 2016 editions.