In 2015, MNN upgraded our affiliate member program to provide more visibility, deeper opportunities for partnership, and a popular Business Directory. Our affiliate membership has grown to include 100+ businesses that work with and support the nonprofit sector.
Click through the categories below to learn more about the many benefits of affiliate membership.
Why Join MNN
The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network is the only statewide organization that supports the entire state’s nonprofit sector. Affiliate membership connects your business to thousands of local nonprofits in need of your expertise.
- Support organizations that are building better communities where you, your employees, and your customers live and work.
- Highlight your business in MNN’s popular online Business Directory
- Gain exclusive access to events attended by hundreds of nonprofit leaders and closed to all other for-profit companies.
- Increase visibility through MNN’s newsletters and social media channels.
- Promote your expertise through MNN’s nonprofit resources and trainings, as well as hosting free webinars.
- Receive discounts on MNN sponsorship and advertisements.
- Post an unlimited number of jobs and events on MNN’s highly-trafficked online Career Center and Community Calendar.
Who You’ll Reach
Affiliate Categories and Benefits
Our pricing structure allows each organization to choose the level of involvement that’s right for them. The Standard, Advantage, and Premium tiers provide visibility for all affiliates, with benefits and involvement building with each level.
See the chart below for detailed descriptions of each benefit.
What is the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN)?
MNN is the only statewide organization dedicated to uniting and strengthening the entire nonprofit sector through advocacy, public awareness, and capacity-building. We also connect nonprofits with our for-profit affiliate members who are masters of their craft and provide nonprofits with goods and services to make their work more effective and efficient. MNN currently has 550+ nonprofit member organizations and 100+ for-profit affiliate members from across the state.
How much does affiliate membership cost?
Affiliate membership prices range from $250-$5,000/ year. The deliverables and level of partnership increase with each tier. Please note that membership dues are nonrefundable.
Click here to view the price tiers.
What do I get with my membership?
Affiliate membership at MNN connects your business to thousands of local nonprofits that need your services and products. Affiliate membership allows you to:
- Support organizations that are building better communities where you, your employees, and your customers live and work.
- Highlight your business in MNN’s popular online Business Directory
- Gain exclusive access to events attended by hundreds of nonprofit leaders and closed to all other for-profit companies.
- Increase visibility through MNN’s newsletters and social media channels.
- Promote your expertise through MNN’s nonprofit resources and trainings, as well as hosting free webinars through MNN
- Receive discounts on MNN sponsorship and advertisements.
- Post an unlimited number of jobs and events on MNN’s highly-trafficked online Career Center and Community Calendar
Click here to view the full list of deliverables.
Who can be an affiliate member?
We welcome any business that provides services or products to Massachusetts nonprofit organizations. The business does not need to be located in Massachusetts. Nonprofit organizations that would like to access these benefits can opt to sign-on as a Standard, Advantage, or Premium member, rather than a nonprofit member.
What if I want to upgrade to Advantage or Premium affiliate membership before my membership is up for renewal?
That’s great! If you update and renew your membership early, your membership will be extended for a year from your current end date, and you’ll be able to access all of the expanded benefits right away.
How does the Business Directory work?
Our popular online directory is visited by hundreds of nonprofit and business professionals each month. Standard affiliates will be listed in one directory category of their choice. Advantage and Premium affiliates have the option to be listed in multiple categories. In addition, Premium affiliates are the featured vendor(s) for a single directory category. MNN is not able to endorse affiliate members at this time.
What if I have additional questions about affiliate membership?
We’re happy to answer all of your questions! You can give us a call at 617.330.1188 ext. 281, or email membership@massnonprofitnet.or