MNN Public Policy Agenda

Public Policy Agenda

The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN) works to strengthen nonprofits and the communities they serve. In pursuit of those outcomes, MNN works with partners to advance collective goals including racial justice, inclusion, and opportunity for all. Nonprofits across Massachusetts have demonstrated incredible innovation supporting their communities throughout an unpredictable past few years. Nonprofit services played an immense part in the state’s recovery process, and continue to fill a much-needed role in our system. Policies that support a healthy, robust nonprofit sector elevate the quality of life for all of the Commonwealth’s residents.

Critical to MNN’s mission is a robust public policy agenda focused on three goals important to the entire nonprofit sector:

  1. Helping the people served by nonprofits
  1. Strengthening nonprofits’ ability to serve people and communities
  1. Ensuring fair tax policy and supporting accountability

To read the full MNN Public Policy Agenda, click here.