The voice of the nonprofit sector in Massachusetts
MNN has more than 700 nonprofit members from the Berkshires to the Cape and Islands. These amazing organizations and their thousands of employees are the heart and soul of their community and important economic engines. They have budgets ranging from under $250,000 to over $100 million, and the range of causes and constituents they serve is just as wide.
See our full listing of nonprofit members and search by name, keyword, region, or subsector.
Starting, or running, a nonprofit is no easy task. So we’ve taken your questions and feedback and curated information to help you be more effective and efficient. Whether you're looking to start a nonprofit or manage your growing staff, we've got you covered.
A listing of our Grants and Awards Opportunities are available for all members of MNN. To access our listing of grants opportunities, please enter the password included in your most recent MemberNews email or email membership@massnonprofitnet.
Join us in strengthening Massachusetts communities through supporting the work of our nonprofit members across the state.